Saturday, April 30, 2011

Non Stop Nyan Cat


I couldn't help it! From the moment i saw the picture of a pop tart bodied kitty with rainbows coming out of its back end i was more than intrigued, i was thrilled ♥
It was as if someone had gotten into my head and animated what they saw!
If you haven't seen Nyan Cat yet its an animation of an 8bit gray kitty with a pink pop tart body who fly's through space propelled by i guess rainbows?!


The animation was uploaded onto youtube ♥HERE♥ and now has the Japanese Vocaloid song Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! looping in the background, which is addictive and awesome in its own right.
According to knowyourmeme the adorable kitty was first known as The Pop Tart Cat posted on LOL-COMICS by prguitarman.

There is a really cute website called NON-STOP NYAN CAT! ♥ where basically you watch the animation and it records how long you have "nyaned" lol!
You can then upload your score to twitter.
After a while the picture changes its really cute :3

Nyan Cat is so viral now it has its own website, remixes, fan art, games and even t-shirts!

Also you can get super cute Nyan Cat accessories at one of my fave sites
Hey Chickadee!

How long have you nyaned? ♥



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Sunday, April 10, 2011

♥ Cute Plush for ASPCA ♥

This is really exciting to me because i love animals and i love to support a good cause and if i can do it in a cute and fun way then that's even better! ♥
One of my fave online stores Cute Plush is doing a Fundraiser for the ASPCA - The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals!
For the month of April they are selling some extra cute limited edition items and 100% of the proceeds for these items will be donated to the ASPCA to help them feed, shelter, spay/neuter and provide medical services to stray and neglected animals! How nice is that?

I cant wait to get my hands on the cute kitty necklace! These would make nice Easter gifts to (. ^ ܫ ^)

If you know of anyone doing something cute or creative for a good cause let me know i would love to hear about it and maybe feature it in my blog! ♥



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Thursday, April 7, 2011


Wow i haven't posted in quite a while! I have been really stressed out lately and its been hard to sit down and write but i couldn't resist telling you guys about this ^.^

Puricute has a bunch of cute new stamps and frames ♥ and i couldn't resist playing with them!
Hip Hop Candy, Tasty Peach Studios, SparklesNGlitter, BeKyoot, kawaiiNot and more!
Here is a pic of me looking way to serious, it defiantly needed some kawaii magic to cheer it up lol


I would love to see your puricuties!



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