Monday, March 14, 2011

Cute Sozai

One of the things i like to do in my spare time is pixel art (^ ω ^.)
I mostly like to do it when i am stressed or bored because its relaxing and fun!
Last night i made some cute web materials to share with you guys! I hope you like them (^∇^)
I do ask that you dont redistribute them as your own and always give credit with a link back to this blog! Please enjoy ♥





Share the love ♥

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dear readers

I would like to say all my hope and love go's out to everyone in Japan and everyone effected by the earthquake and resulting tsunami's.
This is a devastating and tragic event and i am truly heartbroken for all those out there suffering.
Anyone wanting to give there support can do so by donating at the Redcross website or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 from your phone.

For the Visual Kei fans, this is a report on the safety of the J-Rock artists:



Eyelash Bling

I have been noticing a new kind of accessories around lately and its so cute and original!
Its accessories for your eyelashes! and i dont just mean fab falsies! ♥

These are amazing paper lashes by PAPERSHELF, they are so elegant and high fashion it blows my mind!
They come in many beautiful designs including: Horses, Peony, Peach blossom, Peacock, Butterfly & Clown
And you can get both full length or corner lashes omg! I just ♥ LOVE ♥ these Peacock corner lashes.


If you want something a little more cute or funky look no further than Etsy because the clever and crafty Spirys has created eyelash jewelry to suit any personality!

They are made of simple materials such as glass beads and colored wire with the addition of cute decorations. Who would have thought with just those things something so interesting can be made!? i wish i thought of it!

Is this something you would wear?
or have you seen a different kind of eyelash bling?
Comment me and tell me all about it! ❤



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Inspiring quote's

Here are some of my fave quotes that inspire me, i hope they will inspire you also (^ ω ^.)

Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” -Coco Chanel

snap of the day 18.04.2010

“Some girls were just born with glitter in their veins.” -Paris Hilton


"If you're lucky enough to be different, never change" — Taylor Swift

snap of the day 30.12.2010

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” -Coco Chanel

Retro Glamour

What quotes do you love?


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