Sunday, February 13, 2011

☆ Operation Beautiful ☆

Another fitting room

Thinking about valentines day makes me think of something i love being a part of!

Operation Beautiful is all about spreading self esteem and smiles through random messages. You can post them anywhere and write anything inspirational, motivational or kind and it gives you the most amazing tingly warm rush each time, knowing at some point at least one person will read it and smile ^.^
Popular places to post these messages include fitting rooms, bathroom mirrors, the gym locker room or even on a random car’s windshield!
Operation Beautiful was created by the amazing Caitlin of Healthy Tipping Point
and has even been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network and The Today Show!

Tips on getting started

Buy or find some cute pens, paper or sticky notes for writing notes.

Make a list of things you want to write on them (i keep my list with me just in case!)

Pre write some out before hand for a quick stick on the go lol
Browse read some stories and get inspired!


Operation Beautiful

Some of my fave messages

Smile, You ARE beautiful! Believe it!

 In the end it doesn't matter how people look at you but how you look at yourself!

You look PERFECT! Smile :)

Every moment that you are not thrilled to be who you are is a moment lost.  (That is one of my faves)

 This is not a trick mirror you ARE beautiful!
To wish you are someone else is to waste the amazing person you are.

Beauty is one thing everybody has including you! So smile :)

You are beautiful! Smile and let others see your beauty.

Never be afraid to be different!! Beauty is unique. (That one rocks)

You have a beautiful smile so use it!! :D

The scale does not measure your self worth, you are beautiful!

You ARE beautiful! don't let anyone tell you anything different!!!


L'oreal True Match

Operation Beautiful: Website Twitter Facebook Group



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog, I really love this idea and saw it here
    I wanted to call mine You're Wonderful but the quotes just didn't fit in so I'm going to do something similar to both you and the link later in the year as I like this idea too.



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